12AM 12PM

dec. 2019

Midday and midnight. A neutral look for the office reveals its true colors when the sun sets. Vibrant palettes and psychedelic patterns from nineties rave posters are applied to knit tops and satin bottoms. Ivories and grays like the homogenous buildings scattered throughout office parks in American suburbs. Fitted silhouettes for the day release into swaying capes and trousers; beads from kandi bracelets woven into the clothes themselves carry that movement, creating staccato sounds that emulate the pulse of techno music.

Like the wearer who wishes both to blend in and stand out, all of the clothes in this collection are transformable. In some cases, it is a double-sided sleeveless top, in another pullover fasteners allow for gathering and loosening, or a cape that can be repositioned on the body. The flexibility of knit Ponte and a multi-buttonhole waistband gives the dark gray pinstripe pants in look 1 an adjustable waist that fits anyone from a waist size 25 to 34.